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Episode Studies by Clayton Barr

UFO: Ghost Ship UFO
"Ghost Ship"
Countdown #53, February 19, 1972
Writer: Unknown
Art: Brian Lewis


An alien and Captain Carlin both wind up in the middle of a nuclear test zone.


Read the Technodelic story summary at the Internet Archive




This is a 6-page, self-contained story in Countdown #53, February 19, 1972.




On page 1 of the story, SHADO Control tells Skydiver 1 that the approaching UFO has E.T.T. seven minutes. ETT=Estimated Termination of Trajectory.


On page 2, panel 9 of the story, the SHADAIR plane is a Kingfisher Helicopter as seen in "Ordeal".


On page 3 of the story, a different kind of alien pistol than seen before is depicted.


Page 4 seems to state that there is a world navy in place on Earth at this time. The year of the story is not given, however. "The Alien Ally" previously revealed a largely central world government (except for a few holdout countries) in the 1980s of the UFO universe.


The world navy is testing a new fully sub-marine nuclear tactical missile called Barracuda. 


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