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Episode Studies by Clayton Barr

UFO: The Sound of Silence UFO
"The Sound of Silence"

TV episode
Teleplay by: David Lane and Bob Bell
Directed by: David Lane


A UFO is hidden underwater in a British river while its pilot hunts for compatible human organs.


Read the story summary at SHADOpedia




This episode is assumed to take place in 1984, based on assumptions in the UFO Timeline at SHADOpedia.




In this episode, we meet a previously unseen Moonbase operative, played by Andrea Allan, named Carol Miller. She appears in a couple of later episodes as well.


The vagrant's dog has a bark that sounds like it was provided by a human vocalist, not an actual dog.


When Russell and Anne hear the noise from the vagrant's dog, Anne jokingly suggests it may be a party of Sioux. The Sioux are an Amerindian tribe in North America.


   At about 11:39 on the DVD, a production crewmember is seen holding a boom mic or something in the background as Anne Stone rides her horse across the screen.

   Just seconds later, Anne is seen riding across a paved trailway or road in what is supposed to be wild woods.


The strange, alien chirping sound from previous episodes is heard near the river at 15:33 on the DVD.


The vehicle used by the Stone family to get around their 200-acre estate appears to be a Land Rover, possibly a Series II.


Straker tells Foster there's an old miners saying, "The nearer you are to an explosion, the better your chances are." As far as I can tell, Straker is the only "old miner" who's said it!


Dr. Frazer, who appeared in a few previous episodes, also appears here, aiding in the recovery of Russell Stone from the alien transport pod.


Near the end of the episode, Anne is wearing a sexy red leather dress. This same outfit is worn by two other women in the later episodes "The Psychobombs" and "Timelash"




Why does Foster go back out to the Stone farm to inquire about riding lessons at the end of the episode? Is he there in his capacity as a SHADO agent to check on the effectiveness of the amnesia drug on Russell and Anne? Or is he just there to put the moves on Anne? 




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